2013 Conference Presentations

All of the presentations from the Reef Rescue R&D and NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub joint conference (May 2013) related to Great Barrier Reef water quality are available on this page. Click on the day you are interested in the quick links below or scroll down for the whole program.

Wednesday 8 May: Reef Rescue R&D Special Sessions

Thursday 9 May: GBR water quality: What do we know and what more needs to be done?

Friday 10 May: Building innovative practices for Reef outcomes

Please visit the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub website to download the presentations from the NERP proceedings on Tuesday 7 May and Wednesday 8 May.


Water Quality in the Normanby Catchment, northern GBR - Led by Dr Andrew Brooks

The presentations from this session are available from the project website, www.capeyorkwaterquality.info or follow this link to the download page.

BMP economics and adoption - Led by Dr Stuart Whitten

pdfIntegrated assessment of BMP cost effectiveness: Overview of project aims and objectives810.75 KB Stuart Whitten, CSIRO

pdfComponent Two - Grazing economics967.23 KB Megan Star, DAFF

pdfCost-effectiveness of cane BMPs: Regional and enterprise-structural heterogeneity1.24 MB Martijn van Grieken, CSIRO and Mark Poggio, DAFF

pdfFarmer's perspectives on BMP adoption and program delivery in cane582.81 KB Bruce Taylor, CSIRO

pdfRisk, uncertainty and complexity: Impacts on decision making in cattle grazing and sugarcane farming646.07 KB Daniel Gregg, CQU

pdfIntegrated assessment and BMP cost effectiveness: Pulling it all together - implications for the costs of nutrient and sediment pollutant reduction across the GBR1.19 MB Stuart Whitten, CSIRO


Welcome and Introduction

pdfLooking ahead to Reef Plan 2013664 KB Claire Andersen DPC

pdfReef Rescue - Second Phase 2013-2018736.05 KB Ami McGrath, SEWPaC

pdfLand use impacts on Reef water quality and ecosystems: A synopsis 3.55 MB Jon Brodie, TropWATER JCU

Session 1: The Reef and its ecosystems - how are they shaping up?

pdfWhat is the current status of GBR water quality and associated impacts on ecosystems?6.63 MB Britta Schaffelke AIMS and Johanna Johnson C2O Consulting

pdfHistorical changes on the GBR: looking to the past to manage the future1.87 MB Tara Clark, UQ

pdfThe relationship between Burdekin River discharges and water clarity in the central Great Barrier Reef1.08 MB Katharina Fabricius, AIMS

pdfThe chronic effects of pesticides and their persistence in tropical waters862.25 KB Andrew Negri, AIMS

pdfVulnerability of seagrasses in the GBR to changing water quality: Lights, nutrient, salinity 2.57 MB Catherine Collier, JCU

pdfExperimental and field investigations of combined water quality and climate effects on corals and other reef organisms1.7 MB Sven Uthicke, AIMS

pdfOn the relative 'value' of market and non-market goods and services provided by the GBRWHA240.45 KB Natalie Stoeckl, JCU

pdfeReefs: Monitoring and modelling water quality in the Great Barrier Reef1.8 MB Greg Stuart, Bureau of Meteorology

pdfPanel Discussion: Moving towards ecological targets for the GBR1.71 MB Led by John Bennett, DEHP

Session 2: Prioritising future investment for GBR water quality improvement

pdfTerrestrial sources and pathways of sediment, nutrients and PSII herbicides to the GBR lagoon1.38 MB Frederieke Kroon, CSIRO and Dave Waters, DNRM

Building confidence in the models and applications of new findings into the Source Catchments model

pdfA model-data fusion approach for predicting TSS loads in Weany Creek and the Upper Burdekin1.49 MB Petra Kuhnert, CSIRO

pdfRunoff nitrogen generation rates from pasture legumes - an enhancement to Reef catchment modelling2.07 MB Craig Thornton and Amanda Elledge, DNRM

pdfSediment budget modelling in the Normanby basin: Key findings and implications1.19 MB Andrew Brooks, GU

pdfWhat is the relative risk between pollutants on GBR ecosystems and NRM Regions?5.86 MB Jane Waterhouse, TropWATER JCU

pdfGBR water quality improvement: Sharpening the focus990.16 KB Kevin Gale, SEWPaC

Improved techniques for monitoring and reporting

pdfUsing biomonitoring to detect impacts of pesticides in rivers draining to the Reef776.78 KB Ben Kefford, UTS

pdfA proof of concept for an integrated framework for reporting water quality in the GBR lagoon2.44 MB Britta Schaffelke, AIMS

pdfGetting ground cover right: Thresholds and baselines for a healthier reef1.9 MB Terry Beutel, DAFF


Session 3: How are we tracking in management practice improvements for Reef outcomes?

pdfHow are we tracking in management practice improvements for Reef outcomes?478.08 KB Kevin McCosker, DAFF

pdfWhat do we know about the benefits of management practices in GBR catchments?1.15 MB Peter Thorburn, CSIRO and John Rolfe, CQU

pdfCapturing historical paddock scale hydrology and water quality experience relevant to GBR868.33 KB Justin Cutajar, RPS Australia East

Session 4: Reef Rescue and beyond for the cane industry

 pdfReef Rescue and beyond for the cane industry1.33 MB Matt Kealley, Canegrowers

pdfEvaluating and improving A-Class practices to control nutrient losses from sugarcane1.07 MB Peter Thorburn, CSIRO

pdfMineralisation of N within the sugarcane cropping systems following legume fallows874.07 KB Bernard Schroeder, BSES (presented by Michelle Devlin)

pdfPesticide dynamics in the GBR catchment and lagoon: management practices in sugarcane, grazing, bananas and grain crops2.97 MB Stephen Lewis, TropWATER JCU

pdfEvaluation of drip and furrow irrigation for sediment, nutrient and pesticide losses from sugarcane and banana industries1.82 MB Surya Bhattarai, CQU

pdfCost-effectiveness of cane BMPs: Regional enterprise - structural heterogeneity901.95 KB Martijn van Grieken, CSIRO

pdfFactors affecting adoption of land management practices that have water quality benefits in the GBR catchments: Evaluation scenarios for cane farming712.14 KB John Rolfe, CQU

Panel Discussion: What next for the cane industry? Led by Rob Cocco

pdfSustainable sugar: The role of the supply chain2.55 MB Rob Cairns, WWF

Session 5: Reef Rescue and beyond for the horticulture industry

pdfInvestigations on minimising off-farm movement of nitrogen in the north Queensland banana industry663.57 KB John Reghenzani, Terrain NRM

pdfPesticide management in banana cropping: Runoff and deep drainage of glyphosate and glufosinate (Basta) 2011-13 wet seasons1.31 MB Bronwyn Masters, DNRM

pdfSimulating growth, development and nitrogen balance of banana in APSIM1 MB Tony Webster, CSIRO

Session 6: Reef Rescue and beyond for the grazing industry

pdfReef Rescue and beyond for the grazing industry627.12 KB Marie Vitelli, AgForce

pdfImpacts of grazing practices on ground cover, pasture productivity and erosion425.91 KB Scott Wilkinson, CSIRO

pdfQuantifying the impacts of rehabilitating degraded lands on soil health, pastures, runoff, erosion, nutrient and sediment movement5.25 MBTrevor Hall, DAFF

pdfRehabilitation of alluvial gully erosion in the Normanby catchment3.15 MB Andrew Brooks, GU

pdfTebuthiuron management in grazing lands1.53 MB Craig Thornton, DNRM

pdfUnderstanding what drives adoption of practices in the grazing industry472.22 KB John Rolfe, CQU

pdfThe movement of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers applied to dairy pastures in the Great Barrier Reef catchment1.62 MB Jack Koci, JCU