Sugarcane is the dominant intensive agricultural land use in the Great Barrier Reef catchment and is largely located in the high rainfall coastal areas. Sugarcane areas contribute runoff of nutrients and pesticides to the GBR which can be reduced through the development and adoption of improved management practices. A package of $1,585,000 was allocated to three sugarcane industry projects that focused on demonstrating the water quality benefits and sustainability of 'A-class' practices (RRRD056) while also filling gaps in knowledge on smarter irrigation and fertiliser systems (RRRD004) and the role of legume fallows in reducing the need for the application of fertiliser (RRRD020).
An associated package of research also investigated potential water quality and agronomic benefits of alternative herbicide products and water quality benefits of improved practices to reduce pesticide runoff (RRRD037).
Historic data on the water quality benefits of a range of sugarcane management practices was collated to inform ongoing modelling exercises (RRRD011) such as those under the Paddock to Reef program.
These projects were supported by research on understanding the social and economic motivations for practice improvement in the sugarcane industry (RRRD039) and potential constraints to the adoption of improved practices due to impacts on profitability and sustainability (RRRD010). The research built on the experiences of NRM groups and drew upon existing knowledge about water quality outcomes and sustainability aspects of management practices to inform the delivery of Reef Rescue Water Quality Grants and future incentive programs.
RRRD056: Evaluating and improving A-Class practices to control nutrient losses from sugarcane
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