The Reef Rescue R&D projects have generated fact sheets to summarise the research findings. These are listed below and can be downloaded from each Project Page.
Download the Project Fact Sheets:
RRRD032: Land condition outcomes from grazing land management3.41 MB. Prepared by Scott Wilkinson (CSIRO) and Karl McKellar (DAFF) 2013.
RRRD009: Pasture type effect on runoff nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment generation rates: a comparison of grass, butterfly pea and leucaena pastures to the virgin brigalow landscape.2.75 MB Prepared by Amanda Elledge and Craig Thornton (DNRM) 2015.
RRRD009: Land use effect on runoff nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment generation rates: a comparison of cropping and grazing to the pre-European landscape.3.42 MB Prepared by Amanda Elledge and Craig Thornton (DNRM) 2015.
RRRD009: Seasonal trends in soil and plant nutrient concentrations from grass pastures with and without legumes and risk to runoff water quality.3.32 MB Prepared by Amanda Elledge and Craig Thornton (DNRM) 2015.
RRRD038: Tebuthiuron management in grazing lands.3.11 MB Prepared by Amanda Elledge and Craig Thornton (DNRM) 2015.
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