The objective of the Reef Rescue Program is to improve water quality in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon by increasing the adoption of land management practices that reduce the run-off of nutrients, pesticides and sediments from agricultural land. To facilitate uptake of Reef Rescue R&D results, five regional workshops were organised to bring researchers, managers and research users together to review the research outcomes, and discuss how to progress these outcomes into practical on-ground benefits.
Regional workshops were held during and September and October 2013 in Mackay, Rockhampton, Cairns, Bundaberg and Townsville, coordinated by the RRRC and facilitated by regional NRM groups in each region.
The results of the forums will inform prioritisation of Reef Rescue 2 delivery, including future R&D needs, Water Quality Grants, research partnerships and collaborations, systems repair, and Water Quality Improvement Plans. The five regional forums have been well attended by regional NRM groups and industry representatives, generating robust discussions about how research results can inform on-ground actions and future investment. The outcomes from the workshops are available below.
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